Hydro-Action Advanced Treatment Suffolk County NY
The Hydro-Action® System
Hydro-Action® is a system of unprecedented quality that considers everything from delivery to environmental concerns; we think the case is clear. Hydro-Action® gives you clear results. New problems demand new solutions. It’s estimated that conventional septic systems are unsuitable for roughly two-thirds of all the land area in the U.S. (NSFC, Pipeline). In many areas, even existing systems create serious user and ecological problems.
If you’re ready for a smarter onsite water treatment system, then you’re ready for Hydro-Action®. Designed specifically to meet the unique challenges of today, our treatment system produces cleaner effluent more efficiently, even in areas with sensitive land issues and leach field complications. Hydro-Action® is a common-sense business giving you the kind of green technology that saves time, money, and hassles for everyone. As savvy customers and industry professionals alike look for economical, sustainable water treatment systems that work for people and the environment, they’re turning to Hydro- Action®.
We meet challenges with innovation that works. Could it be any clearer?
The Hydro-Action® system is a scaled down version of a municipality sewage treatment plant.
Meet the Aerobic Treatment Unit (ATU), the heart of our wastewater management system. It learned to clean wastewater from the best teacher around: Mother Nature herself. Just as waste breaks down organically from air, the aerobic bacterial action in our ATU uses oxygen to treat wastewater.

Preparing the Wastewater:
- Before the wastewater enters the ATU, it passes through the Pretreatment or septic tank. Pretreating reduces the amount of solids and other materials that can get into the system.
Processes Effluent
- The effluent then flows into the Aeration Compartment of the ATU. A pump injects air into the system, pushing it down three Flexible Air Lines and through the Anchored Diffuser Assemblies. The aerobic bacteria are force fed oxygen and multiply, cleaning the wastewater without chemicals or filters.
- The Oxygenated effluent then enters the ATU’s Clarification Compartment, a conically-shaped area that separates clarified water from remaining solids, which settle and return for further aeration.
Creates Clear Odorless Effluent
The effluent arrives and leaves the Clarification Compartment by hydraulic action, and from there it enters the a) dosing tank, if utilizing TurtleDrip and subsurface drip-line, or b) pump tank, if utilizing 24 HR timer or on-demand pumping to gray water cistern or to a traditional drain-field—without any worries of biomatting.
The OPS®, or operations control center, alerts the user through visual and audio signals if the system becomes too full or air pressure drops to unacceptable levels.
Designed for Efficiency
- AP Series: ANSI/NSF Standard 40 – The Hydro-Action Aerobic Onsite Wastewater Treatment System is certified tested under the provisions of ANSI/NSF Standard 40 for Class 1 effluent.
- The ANSI/NSF 30-day average effluent CBOD5 was 9 mg/L, ranging between 3 and 60 mg/L, and the average effluent suspended solids was 15 mg/L, ranging between 4 and 100 mg/L.
- The effluent pH ranged from 7.1 to 8.3. The effluent pH during the entire evaluation ranged between 7.1 and 8.3, within the required range of 6.0 to 9.0.
- The plant also met the requirements for noise levels (less than 60 dbA at a distance of 20 feet) and color, threshold odor, oily film and foam.
- AN Series: ANSI/NSF Standard 245 – The Hydro-Action Aerobic Onsite Wastewater Treatment is certified tested under the provisions of NSF/ANSI Standard 245 for Residential Wastewater Treatment Systems (June 2010 revision).
- Over the course of the evaluation, the average influent Total Nitrogen was 39mg/L, ranging between 16 and 69 mg/L, and an average effluent Total Nitrogen of 15 mg/L, which resulted in a 58% reduction in the influent Total Nitrogen.
- The AN-Series ATU produced an effluent that successfully met the performance requirements established by NSF/ANSI Standard 40 for Class I effluent:
- The maximum 30-day arithmetic mean was 5 mg/L for CBOD5 and 12 mg/L for total suspended solids, both below the allowed maximums of 25 mg/L and 30 mg/L respectively.
- The effluent pH during the entire evaluation ranged between 6.9 and 7.9, within the required range of 6.0 to 9.0.
- The AN-Series met the requirements for noise levels (less than 60 dbA at a distance of 20 feet) and color, threshold odor, oily film and foam.
- Links
- Hydro-Action
Hydro Action Products
- AN Series – NSF 245, Nitrogen Reduction with Aerobic Treatment
- AP Series – NSF 40, Aerobic Treatment
- AP – Standard Profile
- LP – Low Profile
Aerobic Treatment Units (ATU)
- ATU size is determined by its daily use in terms of gallon per day (gpd).
- 500 gpd
- 600 gpd
- 750 gpd
- 1000 gpd
- 1500 gpd
Set-N-Go Systems
- AP Series
- An installation package that includes an ATU (gpd).
- Set-N-Go Available in 500, 600, & 750 gpd.
- Pump & Pretreatment Tanks in the following capacities: 300, 500, 600, 750 gallons.
- Pretreatment & Pump tank (OPTIONAL)
- AN Series
- An installation package that includes a Pretreatment tank (gallons) and an ATU (gpd),
- Set-N-Go Available in 450 & 600 gpd.
- Pump tank (OPTIONAL)
- LP Profile
- An installation package that includes an ATU (gpd).
- Set-N-Go Available in 500 gpd.
- Pump & Pretreatment Tanks in the following capacities: 300 & 500 gallons.
- Pretreatment & Pump tank (OPTIONAL)
- TurtleDrip
- A head-works box attached onto the riser of the Dose/Pump tank. This system uniformly distributes effluent below the surface, replacing a conventional drain-field and adds supplemental moisture to plants and grass.
- Works in conjunction with subsurface drip-tubing.
- OPS®
- Gravity Flow
- On-Demand
- 24 HR Timer
- Micro-Dosing (TurtleDrip)